Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Got Some Time On Your Hands??

I would LOVE to volunteer to be on the Toronto Book Awards Jury, but there's absolutely NO WAY I could read all 80-100 submissions in 3-4 months! That's 80-100 novels! Sheesh!

Anyways- if you're unlike me and have the time and motivation to volunteer, here's a link to the info!

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

The Big Sleep

After our book club session at the Flatiron and Firkin, Gabriella has picked The Big Sleep by Raymond Chandler for our February meeting.

Thursday, January 04, 2007

Julia has just announced that she's moving on from book club. Julia, we are going to miss you so much, I will forever remember those early sessions when only you and I were part of book club.
We love you, Julia!