Monday, February 27, 2006

Book for April

It's Kurmidt's turn to choose a book for our April meeting. Since I'm almost done with Cannery Row (and believe me, I was laughing out loud this morning on the subway, people were looking at me like I was crazy, not that I'm not, but what do they know?) any ideas about the next book?


Unknown said...

I'd love to read a book called Saturday, by Ian McEwan, but I know you guys didn't really enjoy Atonement all that much.

There's also a book called Three Day Road (I can't remember the author), but it's new- hardcover- and big.

Maria said...

No, no big. Too heavy!

Maria said...

And I did like Atonement, it was "bitter" Julia who didn't like it.

Anonymous said...

I haven't read anything by McEwan since his first two collections of short stories--they were incredible but very disturbing. I wouldn't mind reading the one you've suggested.

Miss Julia J said...

I'm not bitter! What the F is THAT about?

I just thought the plot jumped around too much. I was really into the love story and then all of a sudden I'm dragged around the war hearing about people getting blown up. I never bothered to read the last bit, and from what I was told it didn't exactly get much better. It was like the middle of Atonement was my atonement for enjoying the first part of the book.