Monday, March 13, 2006

Essential Toronto Reading...

I found this on Torontoist...

It's a list of books based in Toronto. I figured I'd post this, since I know we all love to read books where we recognize the setting. Oh, and BTW- an Austen Clarke book is on there, just to warn you! I thought of commenting, and bad mouthing Clarke for pompousness and banality, but I figure I'd hear it pretty good from Clarke supporters. Meh!


Maria said...

I did write about him when we read The Question:

Unknown said...

That's right... did you get any flack for it? Like, did anyone comment and say, NO- I LOVE Austen Clarke!!

Maria said...

No one did. I guess no one likes him!

Unknown said...


Miss Julia J said...

This is the world's best comment conversation. You guys are hilarious.